The Director of INHUMANS Talks About Directing Medusa's Hair and Pushing The VFX Limits — GeekTyrant

The Director of INHUMANS Talks About Directing Medusa's Hair and Pushing The VFX Limits

I honestly never in a million years would have thought that I would be writing so damn much about the hair of a character in any kind of film or TV series. Yet, here I am. Medusa's hair in Marvel's Inhumans series has caused quite a stir among fans.

A lot of fans hate what they've seen from the hair, while others aren't too critical about it. One thing is for sure, there was actually a lot of work and effort that went into trying to pull off Medusa's hair in the series... before we saw that they drastically changed it as seen in one of the latest TV spots.

During a recent interview with Independent, director Roel Reiné discussed what went into directing the hair, and the effort they put into trying to get it right. He explained: 

"I see all the shots and then make notes. I pitch them the ideas, and what they do. For instance, in one shot when Maximus puts his hand on Medusa's shoulder, the hair must move away. Then when he walks away, the hair must move itself. These are all things that you must direct."

He then went on to talk about pushing the for the VFX work that went into making the hair work the way they wanted:

"I pushed it to the limits. For instance, the first time we see Medusa — which I will not spoil — she’s doing something very intimate. What does the hair do at the moment? I pitched what the hair was doing, and then we got this really cool reveal shot, of what she was doing and her hair. That was really tough, one of the toughest shots to pull off in the VFX world."

Some fans might say he and his creative team pulled it off, while others will say they didn't. In the end, I guess they did the best they could with the budget they had to work with. I'm definitely curious to see the finished product. Now, I think I'm done writing about Medusa's hair!

Marvel's The Inhumans premieres September 1st in IMAX theaters followed by its television debut September 29th on ABC.

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