THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY Tops The Top 10 Pirated Films List of 2013 — GeekTyrant

THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY Tops The Top 10 Pirated Films List of 2013

Torrent Freak recently released the data for the top 10 pirated films as gauged by Bit Torrent, and The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey topped this year's list with at least 8.4 million downloads. The number in all likelihood is higher due to most torrent users enabling some kind of anti tracking software for their torrenting. The full list can be found below which, as you can see, shows a bias to films that came out earlier in the year as opposed to later. Missing from the list this year despite their high box office numbers are The Hunger Games and Man of Steel, while the flop Gangster Squad  made number 7 with 7.2 million downloads.

  1. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey; 8.4 mil downloads
  2. Django Unchained: 8.1 mil downloads
  3. Fast and Furious 6: 7.9 mil downloads
  4. Iron Man 3: 7.6 mil downloads
  5. Silver Linings Playbook: 7.5 mil downloads
  6. Star Trek Into Darkness: 7.4 mil downloads
  7. Gangster Squad: 7.2 mil downloads
  8. Now You See Me: 7 mil downloads
  9. The Hangover Part 3: 6.9 mil downloads
  10. World War Z: 6.7 mil downloads


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