The Lore of the Spaceknights May Appear in the MCU But Without ROM

For quite some time, we've known about director James Gunn's love for ROM and the Spaceknights. This is a very obscure toy/comic collaboration where Parker Brothers gave the rights to Marvel to develop a comic series and it spectacularly failed! Well, Hasbro has plans for Rom, but there's an interesting aspect about that... they don't have the rights to his story. You know who does? Marvel, but Marvel doesn't have the rights to the character ROM! None of this has stopped Gunn from speculating on what could happen with the Spaceknights in the MCU, though. When talking to CBM the director explained:

"Yes, I love Rom. I don't [see a Marvel produced Rom movie happening] because this is the problem- Rom, the story is owned by Marvel Comics. So the Dire Wraiths, you know, all that story is owned by Marvel Comics. The character and the toys are owned by Paramount, so you can't have both. Now you can't have the Spaceknight, at Marvel, and you can't have the Spaceknights without the story. What always interested me was more the story of the Spaceknights. People who gave up their humanity to save their planet was always very interesting to me, so there may be something to do with that, but it won't be with Rom."

I also like the concept of the Spaceknights, and I'd love to see them play a role in a film made by Marvel. Marvel is so good at creating these stories and I believe they could do something great with the Spaceknights.

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