The New Transformers Movie Is Titled TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS and Story Details Revealed — GeekTyrant

The New Transformers Movie Is Titled TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS and Story Details Revealed


Paramount Pictures has announced the title of the new live-action Transformers movie, and that title is Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. We already knew that one of the upcoming Transformers movies would be an adaptation of Beast Wars, and the film is being directed by Steven Caple Jr. (Creed 2) from a script written by Darnell Metayer and Josh Peters, which is based on a previous script by Joby Harold.

During the announcement presentation, producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura talked about the project, saying:

"We wanted to give the audience a lot of new. We have exhausted I would say the battle between the Autobots and Decepticons. How do we find a new set of villains and priorities, saving the world is left to the Autobots and in this case the Maximals. Part of the new news, if you've seen the other movies, you're going to see villains you've never seen before and a lot of elements we've never done before."

The story for the film will be set in 1994, and it was revealed that the main hero of the movie will be Optimus Prime, and he will be sporting a design similar to his G1 design, but it will have more of a modern flair. Bumblebee will also be back, and this time he’s more an off-road Camaro.

The movie will also take place in locations such as Brooklyn, New York and Peru where they are filming at Machu Picchu. Caple Jr. went on to say:

"I care so much about this character and I saw Bumblebee. I wanted to get underneath the metal if you will and explore his experience on earth, and he's my main robot, are we going G1, yes, we are going G1 Optimus Prime.”

The director of the film also shared that the film will feature more than Autobots and Decepticons. The film will introduce The Tarracons, who are a new threat to Optimus Prime, as well as The Predacons:

"We wanted to expand the universe, you have the Autobots and the Decepticons, and I would say my new flair to this is the Terracons," Caple Jr. said. "The Terracons are a new threat to Optimus Prime, and it's something I pride myself on when entering the franchise. I've done Rocky with Creed, and you bring the nostalgia that fans want, but also bring something they aren't expecting, and the Terracons are that.

"The Predacons in our film are more reptilian in nature. We've seen a few in the other Transformers films, but we've never had the chance to focus in on their logo, their tribe if you will, and we get to see another side to them. It's all about building a backstory to these characters that are more than just 'let's take over the world'".

Mirage will be joining the Autobots team and will transform into a Porsche 911. Arcee will also be joining the team as a Ducati. There’s also a character named Nightbird and she will transform into a Nissan GTR.

As for the villains, Megatron isn’t the main villain in this one. Scourge, the leader of the Terrorcons, will be the main villain. Apparently, he enjoys killing Transformers, and after he kills them he keeps their insignia as a memento.

As for the Beast War characters, three of them were revealed, and they include Airazor, which is a bird; Rhinox, which is a rhino; and Optimus Primal, who is a gorilla, and he is the leader of the Maximals.

The human characters in the film are played by Dominique Fishback (The Deuce, Judas and the Black Messiah) and Anthony Ramos (In the Heights). Ramos will play Noah, who is from Brooklyn. He’s ex-military and is “trying to find his way.” He likes messing around with electronics and is good at fixing things. Fishback is playing Elena, an artifact researcher at a museum.

In my opinion, the best Transformers movie was Bumblebee. I hope that Transformers: The Rise of the Beasts uses that film as an example to follow and is able to reach the bar of excellence that it set. I would love for nothing more than for Rise of the Beasts to tell a good story and be a great movie.

What are your thoughts on the direction that they are taking the new Transformers movie?

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