THE PUNISHER Creative Team Have a Story in Mind For Season 3... If it Doesn't Get Cancelled — GeekTyrant

THE PUNISHER Creative Team Have a Story in Mind For Season 3... If it Doesn't Get Cancelled

Netflix released The Punisher Season 2 this past weekend and for the most part, fans seem to be enjoying it. Even though there’s a good chance that The Punisher is going to be cancelled soon, the creative team behind the series do have a story that they want to tell for Season 3.

In a recent interview with EW, executive producer Steve Lightfoot and head of Marvel TV Jeph Loeb explained that they would love for a third season to happen. Loeb says:

"We would love that, and nothing would make us happier than to work with those talented writers and crew. As I have repeatedly said, it is not our decision. We are ready to go and would love to do so. It is Netflix’s call to make."

If Netflix surprisingly doesn’t cancel the show, Loeb and Lightfoot are ready to jump into the development of Season 3:

"We have a whole story in mind that would be awesome, but again, the guns are locked and loaded, but Netflix has the finger on the trigger.”

Lightfoot added:

"We were finished before any of this started happening. I left [season 2] on that final shot that was just meant to [make people go], ‘Wow, I can’t wait to see season 3.’ That was it. That was what I want them to take away, and it’s like any show — if you’ve been in this business long enough, we’ve all worked on shows that got canceled that you wish hadn’t. I just hope we made a great show.… My philosophy is always makeevery season like it could be your last. Don’t save anything for next season, even if that means you’ve painted yourself into a corner. But make every season the best it can be, and hopefully it speaks for itself."

One of the big reasons that these Netflix Marvel shows are being cancelled is because of the new Disney+ streaming service. When asked about the shows being cancelled, Loeb said:

"I’d rather not get into the specifics, other than we were and continue to be extremely disappointed by the decision that the network made. But when you’re in the game, that’s all you can do. Everyone has a favorite television show that has been canceled on every single network, and we just happen to be at that place right now."

Like many of you, I hope that The Punisher doesn’t get cancelled, but that’s probably the news we’re going to get in near future.

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