Trailer for DC Animation's TEEN TITANS: THE JUDAS CONTRACT Will Show You the Greater Good — GeekTyrant

Trailer for DC Animation's TEEN TITANS: THE JUDAS CONTRACT Will Show You the Greater Good

If you enjoyed last year's Justice League Vs. Teen Titans, you're gonna want to check out this first trailer for DC Animation's Teen Titans: The Judas Contract. The film is based on the New Teen Titans story arc by Marv Wolfman and George Perez.

The story centers on the young psychopath Tara Markov, who is seduced and trained by Deathstroke to infiltrate the Teen Titans and tear them apart from within. Here's a brief story description:

Deathstroke the Terminator has a long held grudge against the Titans relating to the death of his son Grant Wilson the original Ravager. In order to fulfill this grudge he seduces a 15 year old with the extraordinary ability to command the very earth to her will.

This is definitely one of the more shocking Teen Titan storylines. If you've read it, then you know how it all ends, but I won't spoil it here for anyone that doesn't know. The animated film looks like a decent adaptation of the story as Deathstroke hunts down the Teen Titans.

I do have to say, though, that the animation quality of these films just seems to get worse and worse. They're still fun to watch, though. 

Tara Markov is a girl who has power over earth and stone; she is also more than she seems. Is the newest Teen Titan an ally or a threat? And what are the mercenary Deathstroke's plans for the Titans?

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