Vincent Cassel Set to Join HBO's WESTWORLD Season 3 — GeekTyrant

Vincent Cassel Set to Join HBO's WESTWORLD Season 3

Vincent Cassel (Ocean’s 12 & 13, Eastern Promises) has joined the cast of the crazy popular HBO series Westworld in its third season. The producers of the series haven’t given any word on who Cassel will play, but rumors indicate he may be a new villain in the series, which just kind of makes sense because he’s French and has a villainous look about him.

He will be joined by new cast member Aaron Paul, of Breaking Bad fame, as well as the series regulars Evan Rachel Wood, Tessa Thompson, Luke Hemsworth, Thandie Newton, Ed Harris, and Jeffrey Wright.

I loved the first season of Westworld, and the second season had me extremely confused. My husband says it’s because I spend too much time on my phone while watching, which may be true to some extent, but I still think I’d be slightly confused with the back and forth time jumps. Maybe I just need to rewatch the second season.

Are you still way into Westworld? Do you like the new additions to the cast? Westworld Season 3 is currently in pre-production and will be on HBO sometime in 2020.

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