Watch an Awesome Trailer For The TREMORS Series That SyFy Cancelled — GeekTyrant

Watch an Awesome Trailer For The TREMORS Series That SyFy Cancelled

Last week we learned that the SyFy Channel canceled Kevin Bacon's Tremors series before it even had a chance to succeed. I was really excited about this series and now we actually have a trailer for you to watch for it and I'm even more mad that the series didn't happen because it looks freakin' great! As I watched this trailer I could help but wonder why in the hell SyFy killed the project! It looks like it would have been a blast! 

The series was set 25 years after the events of the first film and found Valentine McKee (Bacon) attempting to save the town again, but this time, also battling age, alcohol and a delusional hero complex. He also had a daughter who would have played into the story.

Now, check out the trailer for yourselves and let us know if you would have watched this series!

Via: /Film

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