Will Bryan Singer Direct FANTASTIC FOUR 2 Then the X-MEN Crossover Film? — GeekTyrant

Will Bryan Singer Direct FANTASTIC FOUR 2 Then the X-MEN Crossover Film?

There’s a rumor going around that 20th Century Fox wants Bryan Singer to direct Fantastic Four 2, and then take on the challenge of the X-Men and Fantastic Four crossover film.

We’ve heard several rumors about that plan already, but bringing Singer on board to make it happen would be spectacular! The guy has already proved that he knows how to handle these films, and he’s the right man for the job to help continue to build Fox’s cinematic universe.

The rumor originated at This is Infamous, and they say that the studio is looking to move quickly on the Fantastic Four sequel, without Josh Trank, which is fine. It doesn’t sound like anyone will miss him. The site says:

“While they are not as high on the completed film as they were the concept when they first gave it the green light, the studio understands the value the Fantastic Four holds for them in the grand scheme of things. I’ve been told they view FANTASTIC FOUR as a decent introduction to the new direction its characters will be taking, one good enough to build upon rather than scrap in favor of yet another restart in a few years. And with the bad blood Fox has bubbling with Marvel, given their squashing of the X-Men and FF brands in recent months, you won’t see them working together to incorporate them into the same cinematic universe anytime soon.”

As long as the characters get a solid introduction, Singer has the ability to flesh out the characters more in the sequel just like he did for X-Men: Days of Future Past when taking the reins from Matthew Vaughn. The site goes on to say:

“Fox is hoping to get Singer to take the directorial reins for FANTASTIC FOUR 2, following X-MEN: APOCALYPSE, in order to get the franchise on the right path moving forward where this time they can get more than two mediocre movies out of the property. Now that he’s guided X-MEN to success on two separate occasions (although let’s give Matthew Vaughn credit where it is due for FIRST CLASS), they, along with producer Simon Kinberg, would like his steady hand to usher the Fantastic Four to a more established position, so that when they press on with the Fantastic Four/X-Men crossover event they have in their plans for 2018, they aren’t out of place and just there, but a major and equal part of their budding cinematic universe.”

There’s no doubt that fans would rejoice to hear that Singer is directing Fantastic Four 2 and the X-Men crossover movie. It just means that we can expect to see great things from them! Again, this is only a rumor, but it would be cool if it came true. 

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