Will Forte Teases The "Gnarly" Potential Cold Open of MACGRUBER 2 — GeekTyrant

Will Forte Teases The "Gnarly" Potential Cold Open of MACGRUBER 2

To say MacGruber is one of the best movies based on a Saturday Night Live sketch isn't that big of a compliment, but it's also one of the funniest, most ridiculous action movies in the past five years. Perhaps appropriately, given its hero's (hilarious) lack of ability to avert explosions in the sketch, the movie bombed at the box office, but it gained a cult following on home video. It's beloved by entertainment journalists, and practically every time someone interviews star Will Forte, he's asked about a possible sequel.

In a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, he talks about how close he and his collaborators are to making the sequel:

“There’s nothing I would rather do than that. It’s not a question of if but when. This show [The Last Man on Earth] takes up every second of every day. Come Feburary, if I have a little bit of time, Jorma [Taccone, who directed MacGruber], John [Solomon, who co-wrote the script with Forte and Taccone] and I will get together and we’ll start banging it out.”

So it sounds like a sequel is inevitable, which is great news for fans of the original. This isn't going to be some factory-produced sequel that's made just as a cash-grab; Forte loves this movie as much as any of its biggest fans and wants to make something amazing as a follow-up. After mentioning that, once the basic story is done, the script will get a "dick-joke pass where we make our dick jokes better," he teases what they have in mind for the opening scene:

“There is a possibility of starting it in a way that you would never ever start an action movie,” he says, laughing. “We have this idea for a cold open, which we just don’t know if we have the balls to do. And we’ve done some crazy stuff. This is just like, ‘Do we really want to do this? Is this how we want to start out the movie?’ It’s pretty gnarly.” He pauses. “But we might just have to do it.”

We'll keep you posted on the development of MacGruber 2, but in the meantime, seek out the first one if you haven't seen it.

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