WONDER WOMAN: Michelle MacLaren of Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and X-Files in Talks to Direct — GeekTyrant

WONDER WOMAN: Michelle MacLaren of Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and X-Files in Talks to Direct

The Wonder Woman solo film starring Gal Gadot set in the 1920s with a summer 2017 release may have just gotten its director. Four websites with a very good track record (Variety, The Wrap, THR, Latino-Review) almost simultaneously reported that Michelle MacLaren is in talks, or the top contender, to direct the movie. I've never seen "unofficial" news break on so many sites at one time. MacLaren has won two Emmys and received 11 nominations. She was executive producer on Breaking Bad and The X-Files. MacLaren has directed Breaking Bad (11 episodes), The Walking Dead (3 episodes), and Game of Thrones (4 episodes). She also fits Warner Bros' goal of finding a skilled female director.

THR also reports Jennifer Kent and Lesli Linka Glatter as possible contenders. But with the strength of MacLaren's filmography, I'm not sure why Warner Bros. isn't putting ink to paper right now.

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