WONDER WOMAN Still Needs a Greenlight, Says Director Michelle MacLaren — GeekTyrant

WONDER WOMAN Still Needs a Greenlight, Says Director Michelle MacLaren

Fan art by Jeffach

Knowing what comic-book movies that are coming for the next five or six years is pretty cool. But it means a lot of creative talent committing to projects before a script has been written, acting leads have been cast, or a director has signed on to helm. While there is a long lead-time to a hard release date, these projects seem pretty aimless until talent is signed and script is finalized. Once those key elements are in place, the final thing is called "getting a greenlight" from the studio. This is when the bulk of the budget starts to get spent and production officially starts.

Director of Wonder Woman Michelle MacLaren talked about the film's status in an interview with Vulture.

…she warns that at the moment there is no script, no [solid] release date. There’s not even an official green light from the film’s releasing studio, Warner Bros. — and even if there were, nondisclosure agreements and her paranoia about jinxing things would keep her mum. “I really, ­really, really can’t talk about this,” she says, then gestures toward the restaurant’s picture windows, with their action-film-worthy Hollywood panoramas. “I just picture a drone coming in over the hills and crashing through the glass and flying over here and putting duct tape over my mouth, you know?”

Sounds like Warner Bros. has some crazy advanced drones.

What we know so far is that Gal Gadot is Wonder Woman, it's set in a pre World War II time period, and it's rumored that there are six scripts in concurrent development. Let's hope MacLaren and team can get things ready in time.

H/T: Uproxx

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