Zack Snyder Saved Jason Momoa’s Acting Career — GeekTyrant

Zack Snyder Saved Jason Momoa’s Acting Career

In a recent interview with Jimmy Fallon, Jason Momoa reveals that after playing Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones, it was really hard for him to get work. He talks about how being Khal Drogo really pigeonholed him and who would want Khal Drogo in a comedy or anything like that. I personally would love to see a buddy cop film starring Momoa and Dwayne Johnson. I would also love to see Momoa in a romantic comedy. I think that would be fantastic.

Why did he have a hard time getting jobs though? Momoa says: “not a lot of people thought I spoke English.” What do people think Momoa speaks!? Dothraki?! Either way, Momoa credits Zack Snyder for casting him as Aquaman because that helped break him out of his Khal Drogo shaped pigeonhole. You can watch the entire interview below and learn that Momoa didn’t know he was going to be cast as Aquaman when Snyder called him in for the audition.

Jason Momoa discusses how his convincing turn as Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones made some people think he couldn't speak English and discusses Season 2 of his Netflix series, Frontier.

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