RUMOR: Chloe Moretz starring in Tim Burton's DARK SHADOWS — GeekTyrant

RUMOR: Chloe Moretz starring in Tim Burton's DARK SHADOWS

Rumors are circulatin that Chloe Moretz has joined Tim Burton's Dark Shadows. Earlier we reported that Thomas McDonnel was set to play the young version of Johnny Depp's Barnabas Collins. That news was froma a message board post that also said Moretz was cast and now the young actress is saying that she’s landed a gig in something huge, but won’t say what the film is.

Here is the IMDB post that announced the casting of Thomas McDonell two days before it was formally announced. This comes via Badass Digest:

Please don’t quote me on this, but I heard from a fairly reliable inside source that Chloe Moretz (Kick Ass, Let Me In) is going to play Carolyn (which surprised me a bit), and that Thomas McDonell (Disney’s upcoming Prom) is going to play “young Barnabas,” which makes sense as he does definitely resemble Johnny Depp…

Here is what Moretz said this weekend while speakign to MTV:

I just booked a huge project last night…it’s huge! Watch out, you’re going to be freaking out, cause I was. […] It’s big, and it’s crazy, and it involves some really cool actors. And it’s huge.

It makes sense to me that this ‘huge’ role is in Dark Shadows. I am a fan of Moretz so this news would be awesome. What are your thoughts on this rumor? I 

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